Blow up the wall in that small space to find a secret shop that sells an upgraded bauble wallet (750 bauble size). You will find a corner with a small space. Hidden room 4: Right past the checkpoint, jump down to the yellow bauble, and take a couple of lefts. Hidden room 3: This is the shop on the wall that you need to buy your torch to get past the first checkpoint, you probably have this already. You will find a wall you can bomb below and to the right of the polar bear. Follow the path and climb up the icy area. Hidden room 2: Find you way back (quickest is probably run off the cliff). Inside is a wall you can unlock with your glove which will take you to the raccoon kingpin inside the maze. Slay or run past them at there is a wall near the second polar bear where you can bomb to reveal your first hidden room. Inside the opening you will need to do some jumping to get to the very top.Once you are at the top jump down the other side and enter a corridor with two polar bears. You can open one of them by using the gate opening song 332331 with your flute near it (this song was learned back in world 2 zone 2 hidden room #8). You will soon find an area with two closed “mouth” walls. Don’t follow the raccoons this time but instead go left in the maze. Post to look for / advertise a guild, use /r/GuildRecruitment.Hidden room 1: Turn the corner past the starting area and then you will spot two hillbillies with a maze behind you.Post just to advertise your stream, event streams are fine.
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